Research determined that salty foods poison your gut microbiome. This was discussed on March 12, 2024 in “The Conversation”: The consequence of this is that your blood pressure goes up and you are more prone to develop heart attacks and strokes. Why salt can make you sick The amount o
Recently, two major studies delineated the risks of marijuana use. When people use marijuana, their risks for heart attacks, heart failure and strokes increase significantly. In a review an article of CNN describes details further. Two papers were presented at the American Heart Assoc
A recent review by cardiologist Christopher Labos from Montreal stated that any physical activity is better than doing nothing. He reviewed why today most health websites state that 10,000 steps per day would be the desired standard. He noted that this recommendation originated from a
Recently a CNN article asked which cheese is the healthiest? Two nutritionists commented on various cheeses and why some are healthier than others. When it comes to the quality of cheese it is important to be aware of the amino acid content, keep the fat content as low as possible and
In a new study it is stressed that cutting salt prevents heart disease. Often high blood pressure has an association with eating too much salty food. But this may not have to be necessarily from salt you added to your food. Eating too much processed food can also make you exceed your
There is confusion out there about vitamin D in health and disease. In other words, I thought it would be useful to review some basics about vitamin D and how it can help you to benefit from it. Last year an overview about this topic was published. Notably, a lack of vitamin D causes
The Mediterranean diet has long been known to include olive oil and other beneficial foods. These foods consist of lots of vegetables, fruit and fish. I has also become common knowledge that it decreases the risk of some cancers, high cholesterol, diabetes and to prevent heart attacks
Vegetarians usually are healthier than meat eaters, but a new study showed an increased stroke risk in vegetarians. The study came from the UK where researchers followed 48,000 people for 18 years. They classified people into meat eaters, pescetarians (fish eaters) and vegetarians, in
A 1-year randomized clinical trial showed aerobic exercise against Alzheimer’s is effective in preserving brain volume. Researchers assigned a total of 70 patients 55 and older with mild cognitive impairment to either a group that did regular aerobic exercises or a group that did stre
A new study in the Lancet has concluded that a high fiber diet is good for your health. Sometimes medical research texts can be cumbersome, so this article from the CNN in popular language translates the facts into simpler terms. Essentially this fiber study was a metaanalysis of many