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Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Research determined that salty foods poison your gut microbiome. This was discussed on March 12, 2024 in “The Conversation”: The consequence of this is that your blood pressure goes up and you are more prone to develop heart attacks and strokes. Why salt can make you sick The amount o
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Risks of Marijuana Use

Risks of Marijuana Use

Recently, two major studies delineated the risks of marijuana use. When people use marijuana, their risks for heart attacks, heart failure and strokes increase significantly. In a review an article of CNN describes details further. Two papers were presented at the American Heart Assoc
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Exercise Benefit about the same during the Week or on Weekends

Exercise Benefit about the same during the Week or on Weekends

This article is about “exercise benefit about the same during the week or on weekends”. For decades we heard that regular exercise was the only way how to reduce the risk regarding cardiovascular disease. But a new study is questioning this assumption. It found that when y
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Keto-like Diet Causes Heart Disease

Keto-like Diet Causes Heart Disease

A new study revealed that a keto-like diet causes heart disease. After 11.8 years those on a keto-diet had a more than 2-fold increased rate of heart attacks and coronary artery narrowing compared to controls on a normal diet. As a result, cardiologists had to insert more stents into
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Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Researchers of the European Society of Cardiology presented evidence to show that restoring good sleep prevents heart disease and strokes. Health Line reviewed this data as well. The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain in August of 2022. Detail
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Foods can Extend or Shorten Life

Foods can Extend or Shorten Life

Introduction A new study pointed out how foods can extend or shorten life. The authors described a health nutritional index, which tells whether a food item prolongs life or shortens it. A hot dog for example can take 36 minutes off your life expectancy. On the other hand, a helping o
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Higher Olive Oil Consumption Lowers the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Higher Olive Oil Consumption Lowers the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

A publication in April 2020 showed that higher olive oil consumption lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease. The study consisted of 61,181 women from the Nurses’ Health Study (1990 to 2014). The other part of the study were 31,797 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up
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Cutting Salt Prevents Heart Disease

Cutting Salt Prevents Heart Disease

In a new study it is stressed that cutting salt prevents heart disease. Often high blood pressure has an association with eating too much salty food. But this may not have to be necessarily from salt you added to your food. Eating too much processed food can also make you exceed your
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Life Expectancy In The US Drops

Life Expectancy In The US Drops

The life expectancy in the US drops; but this is for the third year that it has gone down. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains in this video that there are three factors that are mainly responsible for this: suicides have increased significantly; alcohol abuse has gone up resulting in the deadl
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High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

A new study in the Lancet has concluded that a high fiber diet is good for your health. Sometimes medical research texts can be cumbersome, so this article from the CNN in popular language translates the facts into simpler terms. Essentially this fiber study was a metaanalysis of many
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