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Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Research determined that salty foods poison your gut microbiome. This was discussed on March 12, 2024 in “The Conversation”: The consequence of this is that your blood pressure goes up and you are more prone to develop heart attacks and strokes. Why salt can make you sick The amount o
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Lower Life Expectancy in the United States

Lower Life Expectancy in the United States

This article is about the lower life expectancy in the United States. The US mortality rates up to 20 years ago were the same as other comparable industrial states. Now life expectancy in the US is about 4.5 years lower than in other comparable states. A publication in PLOS ONE summar
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How Marijuana Affects your Heart

How Marijuana Affects your Heart

On February 24, 2023 CNN reported about research that demonstrated how marijuana affects your heart. Dr. Ishan Paranjpe is a resident physician at Stanford University who conducted this study. It has not been published yet, as the findings will first be presented on March 5, 2023 at t
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Alarming Rise in Cancer among Young People

Alarming Rise in Cancer among Young People

New research shows that there is an alarming rise in cancer among young people. Here is a summary of the findings. Briefly, the article states that patients in the 20, 30 and younger than 50-year age group are more and more diagnosed with advanced stage cancers. Colon cancer tops this
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Helps Patients with Obesity to Lose Weight

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Helps Patients with Obesity to Lose Weight

Notably, a new study showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients with obesity to lose weight. This was published here and is based on a publication in Frontiers in Nutrition. 43 patients were randomized to one of these 3 groups: Education and health group (EH group) A phys
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Gene Therapy for Diabetes

Gene Therapy for Diabetes

We do not often hear about gene therapy for diabetes. But there is new evidence, which makes this topic timelier. Dr. Fatima Bosch from the University of Barcelona, Spain has done impressive experiments on mice showing that obesity and diabetes could be cured. Essentially, Dr. Bosch f
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An Avocado Compound Can Improve Diabetes

An Avocado Compound Can Improve Diabetes

A Guelph research group has detected that an avocado compound can improve diabetes. They isolated avocatin B (AvoB), a fatty acid oxidation inhibitor. Researchers tested this first on mice. They fed mice a high fat diet for 8 weeks; half of them were fed avocatin B, the other half not
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Skipping Breakfast And Heart Disease

Skipping Breakfast And Heart Disease

A new study showed that skipping breakfast and heart disease are related. The study involved 6550 adults in the US, aged 40 to 75. Over a period of 18.8 years 2,318 deaths occurred. Of these 619 deaths were due to cardiovascular disease. Questionnaires determined that 5.1% never had b
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Junk Food Can Cause Several Cancers

Junk Food Can Cause Several Cancers

Junk food can cause several cancers. This is what a European food study found. First of all, they also developed a new labeling system for food quality. According to this Nutri-Score logo bad food gets a deep orange color label or a classification “E”. Furthermore, healthy food shows
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Plant Protein Is Better Than Animal Protein

Plant Protein Is Better Than Animal Protein

A large study from Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA showed that plant protein is better than animal protein. They showed this with a large group of study participants. And they used a fixed end point, namely mortally rates. The prospective cohort study of US health care professional
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