A new study shows that girls are getting their first period earlier than in previous centuries. The first period has the name menarche. The study in JAMA Network Open also noted that it takes longer for girls to develop regular periods. The data is based on 71,341 US female individual
A study by CNN Health found that consumption of fruit juice and weight gain show an association.The publication consisted of a metaanalysis of 17 children’s studies and 25 adults’ studies. On average the consumption of 1 drink (8oz.) of 100% fruit juice per day increased the body mass
It is important to realize that a University of California San Diego study group found how gut bacteria interact with vitamin D blood levels. Usually clinicians rely on 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels to assess whether patients are vitamin D deficient. However, this study found
Vegetarians usually are healthier than meat eaters, but a new study showed an increased stroke risk in vegetarians. The study came from the UK where researchers followed 48,000 people for 18 years. They classified people into meat eaters, pescetarians (fish eaters) and vegetarians, in
A clinical trial on patients in Korea showed that metformin reduced cancer risk in type 2 diabetics. Previous research found that patients with diabetes are more prone to develop various cancers. Researchers thought that this was due to insulin resistance, insulin-like growth factors
1. The JAMA Network Journals reported about a study that showed that calorie restriction is beneficial. This study was published May 2, 2016 and involved 218 subjects, 30% men and 70% women. The body mass index of all participants was in the range of 22 to 28. The caloric intake was r
In the British Journal of Urological Surgeons (BJU) a study appeared showing that testosterone helps erectile dysfunction in diabetes patients. There were a total of 189 men with low testosterone levels and symptoms of hypogonadism. They were stratified into a placebo group (no treatm
What, if I told you that exercise reduces mortality? Would you believe me? Well, you may be somewhat doubtful. But I assure you that at end of this blog you will know why exercise reduces mortality. I am going to explain it using data from the EPIC study. This was a large European stu
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in October 2014 found a lack of B vitamins in children predicts obesity. The study was conducted in children aged 8 to 15. The researchers came from the University of Queensland, but the study was done on Mexican-American children who par