Inflammatory markers show that fish oil lowers inflammation Research from January 2016 showed that fish oil lowers inflammation. 18 randomized controlled trials that involved 826 subjects were critically analyzed. Three parameters were measured in these subjects. The first was prostag
A new Harvard study showed that good fats reduce mortality. This study consisted of 126,000 men and women over a 32-year period from 1980 to 2012. First of all, the researchers checked with every participant of the study every 2 to 4 years what amounts and what types of fat they were
A University of Virginia team found that a blood test for stroke risk could predict a second stroke in the case of ischemic strokes. 85% of all strokes are of this type, which is due to hardening of the arteries. The C-reactive protein (CRP) has been used to monitor whether a person i
A new study from Intermountain Medical Centre in Salt Lake City, UT has shown that testosterone replacement prevents heart attacks in men. Since last year the FDA required that manufacturers of all approved testosterone products add labels outlining the coronary risks of the testoster
Some people achieve weight loss with minimal exercise. Others who exercise regularly have problems losing weight. An international study involving 332 people looked at this problem in detail. The medical investigators examined the energy expenditure in these 332 adults in 5 different
A new study from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) found that an alternate Mediterranean diet prevents fractures. A total of 93,676 women were enrolled in the WHI study. They were between 50 and 79 years old. Recruitment into the study took place between October 1, 1993 to December
What, if I told you that exercise reduces mortality? Would you believe me? Well, you may be somewhat doubtful. But I assure you that at end of this blog you will know why exercise reduces mortality. I am going to explain it using data from the EPIC study. This was a large European stu
1. A study from August 2015 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found that CoQ10 supplementation reduced gingivitis significantly, a rather surprising finding. CoQ10 is a known stimulator of mitochondria, the energy packages within every cell. The August 2015
At a research conference in Savannah, Georgia in September 2015 a presentation was given about the use of vitamin C supplementation in a group of overweight and obese patients. Postdoctoral research fellow Caitlin Dow, PhD and colleagues from the University of Colorado compared the ef
86,149 women enrolled in the Nurses Health Study I (NHS I) and 94,715 women in the NHS II had been assessed on an ongoing basis with intermittent dietary questionnaires. This database was used for this study to see whether supplements would have made any difference in terms of stroke