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Skin Laser For Diagnosing And Treating Cancer

Skin Laser For Diagnosing And Treating Cancer

New research by the University of British Columbia used a skin laser for diagnosing and treating cancer. The researchers developed a special microscope that utilizes a laser to operate it. Equally, the same system can also treat skin cancer by merely intensifying the heat of the laser
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Testing A New Approach To Curing Cancer

Testing A New Approach To Curing Cancer

Harvard researchers are testing a new approach to curing cancer. They are taking natural herbal remedies and apply them in cancer treatment. Recent publication regarding a new approach to cancer treatment While tumor suppressors are not new, Harvard researchers and others have now sho
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Egg Consumption Increases Prostate Cancer Risk

Egg Consumption Increases Prostate Cancer Risk

There is now very good evidence that egg consumption increases prostate cancer risk. But apart from eggs there are other dangers, namely the consumption of red meats and even poultry. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, the University of California in San Francisco c
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Even Small Amounts Of Processed Meat Pose A Risk

Even Small Amounts Of Processed Meat Pose A Risk

A recent study showed that even small amounts of processed meat pose a risk to develop colorectal cancer. The researchers published the study on April 17, 2019. Results of red and processed meat study Researchers observed 475,581 men and women were over 5.7 years. They diagnosed 2,609
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Why We Are Addicted To Certain Foods

Why We Are Addicted To Certain Foods

Recently there was an article about bacon on CNN and why we are addicted to certain foods. Certainly one of the foods that many people get addicted to is bacon. Let us take a look at the production first. Bacon contains sugar and salt The abdominal wall of a pig is where bacon origina
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Hormone Replacement Can Prevent Osteoarthritis In Postmenopausal Women

Hormone Replacement Can Prevent Osteoarthritis In Postmenopausal Women

A study from Korea involving 4,766 postmenopausal women showed that hormone replacement could significantly prevent osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women. The study The researchers of this study enrolled 4,766 postmenopausal women into the study. They had been on more than 1 year of
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Focal Ultrasound An Important New Treatment Modality

Focal Ultrasound An Important New Treatment Modality

A new Canadian technology developed at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto, Ont. labeled focal ultrasound an important new treatment modality. Most recently it drew attention because Paul Hudspith, a 52-year-old engineer from King City, Ont. received treatment for a brain tumor. He has rec
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High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

A new study in the Lancet has concluded that a high fiber diet is good for your health. Sometimes medical research texts can be cumbersome, so this article from the CNN in popular language translates the facts into simpler terms. Essentially this fiber study was a metaanalysis of many
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Minimally Invasive Cervical Cancer Surgery

Minimally Invasive Cervical Cancer Surgery

It is possible to approach cancer of the cervix in the early stages with minimally invasive cervical cancer surgery. Today about 60% of women receive this type of treatment. In the past, before laparoscopic radical hysterectomy was available, the traditional radical hysterectomy was d
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Cell phones and cancer

Cell phones and cancer

A new study on rats and mice appeared in a publication on cell phones and cancer. After 2 years of exposure of low and high intensity electromagnetic wave energy to 3000 rats the experiments showed the following. There were heart schwannomas that developed in male rats. But they did n
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