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Smoking and a poor Diet are responsible for Lung Cancer

Smoking and a poor Diet are responsible for Lung Cancer

Studies showed that smoking and a poor diet are responsible for lung cancer. In the past researchers identified that smoking cigarettes was the main cause of lung cancer. But additional research recently identified that poor diets were another cause of lung cancer. Recent studies show
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Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Control lights of gadgets in the bedroom can cause sleep disturbance, which is why many people cover LED indicator lights at night. Some people are more sensitive than others. But I am definitely one of those who are very sensitive to LED lights in my bedroom. I use black electrical t
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Remove Forever Chemicals (PFAS) from our Water Supply

Remove Forever Chemicals (PFAS) from our Water Supply

The environment protection agency in the US says we have to remove forever chemicals (PFAS) from our water supply. Just recently the EPA set new guidelines as to how much PFAS the EPA allows to be in drinking water. This is what this article reviewed. Usage of PFAS in consumer product
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New Ovarian Cancer Screening Test

New Ovarian Cancer Screening Test

On Oct. 9, 2023 a publication (Clinical Cancer Research) announced a new ovarian cancer screening test. The new test is called OvaPrint™. A total of 372 samples were examined for this paper. OvaPrint™ achieved a positive predictive value of 95% and a negative predictive value of 88%.
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Physical Exercise Reduces Cancer Risk Significantly

This article is about the finding of a study that physical exercise reduces cancer risk significantly. The study was published on July 27, 2023 in JAMA Oncology. The international team of researchers were from Spain, Australia, Calgary (Canada) and Denmark. The data stemmed from the U
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Alarming Rise in Cancer among Young People

Alarming Rise in Cancer among Young People

New research shows that there is an alarming rise in cancer among young people. Here is a summary of the findings. Briefly, the article states that patients in the 20, 30 and younger than 50-year age group are more and more diagnosed with advanced stage cancers. Colon cancer tops this
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Cancer Risk Increases when You Drink more Alcohol

Cancer Risk Increases when You Drink more Alcohol

A new study from South Korea showed that cancer risk increases when you drink more alcohol. This study had an unusually high participant rate, more than 4.5 million Koreans. It was published in the JAMA Network Open on August 24, 2022. CNN re-published this as a news story. Set-up of
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Some Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer

Some Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer

A large study on humans showed after almost 8 years that some artificial sweeteners cause cancer. Notably,  102,865 patients were followed over 7.8 years. Here are the results 13% cancer increase with the use of aspartame and acesulfame-K over about 8 years. No increase of cancer risk
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Alcohol Overlooked as Cancer Cause

Alcohol is Overlooked as Cancer Cause

The World Heart Federation announced that alcohol is overlooked as cancer cause. This is based on new research where alcohol industry sponsors of previous research were omitted. But the American Heart Association (AHA) finds this conclusion too one-sided. The AHA points out that there
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Red and Processed Meat Consumption Cause Diseases

Red and Processed Meat Consumption Cause Diseases

A new study in the British Medical Journal found that red and processed meat consumption cause diseases. To point out, the authors compared the global trade of red meat and processed meat on time frames more than 20 years apart. Specifically, the baseline time frame was between 1993 a
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