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Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Control lights of gadgets in the bedroom can cause sleep disturbance, which is why many people cover LED indicator lights at night. Some people are more sensitive than others. But I am definitely one of those who are very sensitive to LED lights in my bedroom. I use black electrical t
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Red and Processed Meat Consumption Cause Diseases

Red and Processed Meat Consumption Cause Diseases

A new study in the British Medical Journal found that red and processed meat consumption cause diseases. To point out, the authors compared the global trade of red meat and processed meat on time frames more than 20 years apart. Specifically, the baseline time frame was between 1993 a
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Cancer Incidence in 9/11 Firefighters 20 Years later

Cancer Incidence in 9/11 Firefighters 20 Years later

A Medscape publication reported the cancer incidence in 9/11 firefighters 20 years later. Firefighters from the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) worked at the World Trade Center during 9/11. The control group were firefighters from the Career Firefighter Health Study. Re
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Hypogonadism Following Testicular Cancer Treatment

Hypogonadism Following Testicular Cancer Treatment

Hypogonadism following testicular cancer treatment leaves the man often with distressing symptoms. This means that the testosterone production is too low. The risk of developing hypogonadism following successful testicular cancer treatment was 3.8-fold in comparison to men without tes
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Blocking Saturated Fatty Acids May Help Patients With Prostate Cancer

Blocking Saturated Fatty Acids May Help Patients With Prostate Cancer

New research showed that blocking saturated fatty acids may help patients with prostate cancer. Notably, patients who are obese and patients who are slim have different outcomes regarding prostate cancer. Frequently obese patients eat poor diets with lots of saturated fatty acids. Thi
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Testing A New Approach To Curing Cancer

Testing A New Approach To Curing Cancer

Harvard researchers are testing a new approach to curing cancer. They are taking natural herbal remedies and apply them in cancer treatment. Recent publication regarding a new approach to cancer treatment While tumor suppressors are not new, Harvard researchers and others have now sho
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Egg Consumption Increases Prostate Cancer Risk

Egg Consumption Increases Prostate Cancer Risk

There is now very good evidence that egg consumption increases prostate cancer risk. But apart from eggs there are other dangers, namely the consumption of red meats and even poultry. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, the University of California in San Francisco c
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Skip Those Three-Egg Omelettes

Skip Those Three-Egg Omelettes

A new JAMA publication shows that egg consumption can cause heart attacks, so skip those three-egg omelettes. This study looked at 6 prospective cohort studies in the US. There were 29,615 adults who were part of the study, and the follow-up period was 17.5 years on average. Each addi
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Erectile Dysfunction Improves With Testosterone Replacement

Erectile Dysfunction Improves With Testosterone Replacement

Whether erectile dysfunction improves with testosterone replacement has been the subject of a study published July 2017 (Ref. 1). It was a prospective study involving 656 men at an average age of 60.7 years. These men all had low testosterone levels and also symptoms of deficiency of
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Modified Polio Vaccine May Help Cure Cancer

Modified Polio Vaccine May Help Cure Cancer

A September 2017 article in Medical News Today reported that modified polio vaccine might help cure cancer. The two key investigators were Dr. Matthias Gromeier and Prof. Smita Nair from Duke University. Dr. Gromeier is a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Nair is an imm
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