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Beneficial Effects of The Mediterranean Diet on The Gut Flora

Beneficial Effects of The Mediterranean Diet on The Gut Flora

Recently the British Medical Journal described the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on the gut flora. It was a one-year study where 612 elderly people from the Netherlands, France, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom were observed. That is to say, 323 of them consumed a
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Lost Vision Due To A Deficient Diet

Lost Vision Due To A Deficient Diet

A medical paper recently described a tragic case of lost vision due to a deficient diet. In a clinical case report the Bristol University published the details of this case. A 14-year old boy decided to live primarily on Pringles (potato chips), white bread and French fries. He visite
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Magnesium Helps Diabetics

Magnesium Helps Diabetics

Magnesium helps diabetics and those who are at risk of getting diabetes to lower their blood sugars. This is what a European meta-analysis revealed. European study showing that magnesium helps diabetics The researchers of this publication in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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The Biology Of Aging

The Biology Of Aging

Until not too long ago scientists considered the biology of aging as a one-way street. Your DNA ages, mitochondria, the cells’ power plants, age and the telomeres get shorter as we age. At the end we run out of steam and die. Telomeres and the biology of aging In one study the telomer
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Mediterranean Diet Prevents Fractures

Mediterranean Diet Prevents Fractures

A new study from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) found that an alternate Mediterranean diet prevents fractures. A total of 93,676 women were enrolled in the WHI study. They were between 50 and 79 years old. Recruitment into the study took place between October 1, 1993 to December
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Arthritis Responds To Glucosamine/Chondroitin

Arthritis Responds To Glucosamine/Chondroitin

This article shows that arthritis responds to Glucosamine/ Chondroitin. For years it was said that glucosamine would not work against arthritis. But people knew that when they combined glucosamine with chondroitin it showed effectiveness against arthritis. What is even more astounding
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Colorectal Cancer Low In Fish-Eating Vegetarians

Colorectal Cancer Low In Fish-Eating Vegetarians

Researchers from Loma Linda University followed 77,659 men and women who were from the Seventh-Day Adventist Churches for 7 years. This church group has been researched in the past as it is a cohesive cohort of non-smokers and non-drinkers. Many are also vegetarians, but not all. Food
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Nuts Protect You From Heart Disease

Nuts Protect You From Heart Disease

A new study published May 2015 in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine states that nuts protect you from heart disease lowering death rates from heart disease and other causes to the tune of 20%. The research data was based on three large cohort studies, which involved low-incom
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Mediterranean Diet Keeps You Young

A study which was continuing for more than ten years involving 5000 nurses found that a Mediterranean diet keeps your cells younger for longer. The nurses involved in this study were eating a diet consisting of vegetables, chicken, fish, fruit, but they stayed away from red meats, but
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Mediterranean Diet Benefits US Workers

Mediterranean Diet Benefits US Workers

A study investigating a group of Midwestern firefighters came to the conclusion that a Mediterranean diet benefits US workers. The diet consisted of lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil and whole grain. 780 male firefighters aged 18 or older were questioned about how well
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