Control lights of gadgets in the bedroom can cause sleep disturbance, which is why many people cover LED indicator lights at night. Some people are more sensitive than others. But I am definitely one of those who are very sensitive to LED lights in my bedroom. I use black electrical t
This article is about “exercise benefit about the same during the week or on weekends”. For decades we heard that regular exercise was the only way how to reduce the risk regarding cardiovascular disease. But a new study is questioning this assumption. It found that when y
In a new study it is stressed that cutting salt prevents heart disease. Often high blood pressure has an association with eating too much salty food. But this may not have to be necessarily from salt you added to your food. Eating too much processed food can also make you exceed your
Dr. Pamela Smith talked about weight gain and insulin resistance. Her talk took place at the 26th Anti-Aging Conference of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas (Dec. 13-15, 2018). Dr. Smith pointed out that 80% of the adult population in the US has blood sugar leve
At a research conference in Savannah, Georgia in September 2015 a presentation was given about the use of vitamin C supplementation in a group of overweight and obese patients. Postdoctoral research fellow Caitlin Dow, PhD and colleagues from the University of Colorado compared the ef
At the 23rd Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine (Dec. 11-13, 2015) in Las Vegas Dr. Joel Heidelbaugh presented a talk entitled “Examining the Correlation Between Androgen Deficiency and Cardiometabolic Risk”. In the beginning he mentioned that in the last few years many physi
A two-year study that was sponsored by the National Institute of Health examined whether calorie restriction would lower risk factors associated with age-related diseases, so it extends lifespan. The goal was to put 218 healthy men and women who were normal weight or moderately overwe
There are two studies that I reviewed; both involve beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements. 1. Heart attack survivors do better with omega-3 supplementation At the 64th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology Dr. Raymond W. Kwong and associates pr
Researchers from Loma Linda University followed 77,659 men and women who were from the Seventh-Day Adventist Churches for 7 years. This church group has been researched in the past as it is a cohesive cohort of non-smokers and non-drinkers. Many are also vegetarians, but not all. Food
An article from Tokyo, Japan describes a study that showed that higher vitamin E intake lowers the risk of high blood pressure. Dr. Akiko Kuwabara and his team analyzed data from 1,405 men and 2,102 women aged 40 and older (average age about 63) from Japan’s National Health and Nutrit