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Medical News Items

This section of nethealthbook is a collection of medical news items. It brings you very timely research that will help you understand medical problems better. Links to appropriate pages integrate the articles into the text of One example: a news article finds that higher fiber content in the diet of males reduces prostate cancer risk. This is now part of the prostate cancer chapter under prostate cancer prevention. On the other hand an Australian study found that diabetes is a risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer. Close blood sugar control in diabetics reduces this risk. That fact is also mentioned on the page of nethealthbook titled causes of cancer of the pancreas.

Mediterranean diet

Another study about Midwestern firefighters came to the conclusion that a Mediterranean diet benefits US workers. The diet consisted of lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil and whole grain. These firefighters had a 35% lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which translated into much less heart attacks over the years than a control group on a regular diet. The average consumer often overlooks this type of data from the medical literature, but it is very relevant to the average consumer.

Many short medical news items

Among the medical news items is a collection of short reviews of original research findings on many topics. Recently I reviewed a new malaria vaccine. Another item was an article about the benefit of having a nap. A completely different topic was the fact that circumcision may have long-term emotional consequences on adult socio-affective processing. Another story is how the Covid19 vaccine works. Finally, I wrote an article about how millions of Americans are exposed to toxins in drinking water.

Over the years information from these practical medical news items accumulate and become part of the database of

Last modified: January 8, 2025

This outline is only a teaching aid to patients and should stimulate you to ask the right questions when seeing your doctor. However, the responsibility of treatment stays in the hands of your doctor and you.
Chronic Inflammation Is Making Cancer Worse

Chronic Inflammation Is Making Cancer Worse

Many of you know that chronic inflammation can cause heart attacks, but now we are learning that chronic inflammation is making cancer worse. Mitochondria are the cell particles that provide energy to our cells. New research shows that when inflammation is chronic, mitochondria produc
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Five Diseases Associated With Anxiety

Five Diseases Associated With Anxiety

Anxiety is a common human experience and there are commonly five diseases associated with anxiety. Anxiety can be due to the stress response (“fight or flight response”). This helps us cope with acute threats and is called “acute anxiety”. But anxiety can still be there long after the
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Universal Flu Vaccine Is Being Developed

Universal Flu Vaccine Is Being Developed

A new universal flu vaccine is being developed.This universal vaccine will only have to be given once in a lifetime. This is quite different from previous vaccines where every year new vaccines had to be manufactured. Dr. Matthew Miller, Ph.D. from McMaster University, Hamilton/Ont. h
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Getting Adolescents to Eat Healthy

Getting Adolescents to Eat Healthy

A method that is getting adolescents to eat healthy will prevent obesity in later years. Here is a summary in the popular press of a new research paper, which achieved this goal. The summary was based on this publication from the University of Texas dated Sept. 12, 2016. Study highlig
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Metformin Lowers Mortality Of Diabetics

Metformin Lowers Mortality Of Diabetics

A large meta-analysis was published in June 2016 showing that metformin lowers mortality of diabetics. The review included data from 204 studies, namely 179 trials and 25 observational studies. There was a total lover 1.4 million subjects enrolled. Mortality from cardiovascular diseas
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Cancer Producing Chromium-6 In Drinking Water

Cancer Producing Chromium-6 In Drinking Water

News came out that the EPA (Environmental Protective Agency) did multiple measurements in drinking water samples throughout the US. This happened between 2012 and now and they found cancer producing chromium-6 in drinking water. History of cancer producing chromium-6 in drinking water
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Inflammatory Diet Causes High Mortality

Inflammatory Diet Causes High Mortality

A landmark study from Paris, France came to the conclusion that an inflammatory diet causes high mortality. The initial trial occurred between 1994 and 2002. This checked whether low dose antioxidants were helpful in improving survival. This trial involved 8089 participants with an av
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Testosterone Helps Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetes Patients

Testosterone Helps Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetes Patients

In the British Journal of Urological Surgeons (BJU) a study appeared showing that testosterone helps erectile dysfunction in diabetes patients. There were a total of 189 men with low testosterone levels and symptoms of hypogonadism. They were stratified into a placebo group (no treatm
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