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Remove Forever Chemicals (PFAS) from our Water Supply

Remove Forever Chemicals (PFAS) from our Water Supply

The environment protection agency in the US says we have to remove forever chemicals (PFAS) from our water supply. Just recently the EPA set new guidelines as to how much PFAS the EPA allows to be in drinking water. This is what this article reviewed. Usage of PFAS in consumer product
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Chemicals With Consequences

Chemicals With Consequences

Some chemicals in the environment break down slowly, and as a result they become chemicals with consequences. There is a group of such persistent chemicals, perfluoroalky substances and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS for short. They have a strong bond between fluorine and a carbon
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Cancer Producing Chromium-6 In Drinking Water

Cancer Producing Chromium-6 In Drinking Water

News came out that the EPA (Environmental Protective Agency) did multiple measurements in drinking water samples throughout the US. This happened between 2012 and now and they found cancer producing chromium-6 in drinking water. History of cancer producing chromium-6 in drinking water
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