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Shortened Telomeres Predict Cancer

Shortened Telomeres Predict Cancer

A study following 792 persons for 13 years showed that shortened telomeres predict cancer. Telomeres are the caps at the end of chromosomes that protect the DNA between cell divisions. Initially all of the patients of the Northwestern and Harvard study were cancer free, but after 13 y
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Resveratrol Improves Bone Density

Resveratrol Improves Bone Density

An interesting study from the Aarhus University in Denmark showed that high dose resveratrol could increase bone density significantly in only 16 weeks. The results were published on Oct. 16, 2014 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 66 middle-aged obese men with
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Vitamin E Lowers Blood Pressure

Vitamin E Lowers Blood Pressure

An article from Tokyo, Japan describes a study that showed that higher vitamin E intake lowers the risk of high blood pressure. Dr. Akiko Kuwabara and his team analyzed data from 1,405 men and 2,102 women aged 40 and older (average age about 63) from Japan’s National Health and Nutrit
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Cancer Rates Down In the US

Cancer Rates Down In the US

In a publication dated Jan. 5, 2015 there is a report showing that the cancer rates in the US are down in the past two decades. There has been a decline of 22% in cancer mortality over two decades, which translates into 1.5 million lives saved from cancer. The data was obtained from t
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Zinc Repairs Broken DNA

Zinc Repairs Broken DNA

A lack of zinc can lead to DNA breaks and zinc can repair DNA. These are the findings of a recent study from January 5, 2015. DNA is vital for cell function. When DNA breaks occur such as in zinc deficiency, cell function suffers. If this condition persists and does not get repaired,
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Potassium Can Lower Risk Of Stroke

Potassium Can Lower the Risk of a Stroke

Introduction A study published in the medical journal Stroke in Sept. 2014 showed that potassium can lower the risk of a stroke. 90,137 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study. Specifically, they had no history of stroke in the beginning of t
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Vitamin D3 Saves Lives

Vitamin D3 Saves Lives

In 2014 several studies were released involving rather large numbers of subjects. A study in the British Medical Journal from April 2014 involved 849,412 men and women and had a follow-up observation of nearly 30 years (Reference below). Rajiv Chowdhury and colleagues selected 73 obse
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Hardening Of Arteries Reversed With Supplements

Hardening Of Arteries Reversed With Supplements

A meta-analysis in the Journal of Nutrition from August 2014 indicates that hardening of arteries can be reversed with supplements. Ammar Ashor and colleagues took 20 randomized trials including 1909 subjects aged 22 to 63. Arterial stiffness was measured by pulse-wave velocity or sim
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Heart Failure Linked To Low Bone Density

Heart Failure is Linked to Low Bone Density

Introduction This article is about the fact that heart failure is linked to low bone density. Indeed, a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology analyzed the bone density of more than 13,000 healthy individuals. In addition, the researchers also examined their hearts
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Resveratrol Helps Memory And Blood Sugar

Resveratrol Helps Memory And Blood Sugar

Introduction The Journal of Neuroscience reported that resveratrol helps memory and blood sugar. The researchers described a trial on 23 healthy, but overweight persons between the ages of 50 and 75. The healthcare workers gave them 200 mg of resveratrol as a supplement per day for 26
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