The Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry published a review explaining how nutrients strengthen the immune system against viruses. The researchers reviewed 51 articles, many of them randomized clinical trials and meta analyses. Notably, the following results identified what the imm
When we age, it is important to know how we can maintain a strong immune system. Both the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system weaken as we age. A 2018 publication pointed out that with aging inflammation and cytokines show increased activity. This leads to the suppress
A new study found that a Mediterranean diet prevents the decrease of cognitive function with age. A medical journal (Alzheimer’s and Dementia) published the results. Accordingly, this medical news story was reviewed here. Two studies on Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) and
A new study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce heart attack risk. The study was published Sept. 30, 2019 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. This analysis pooled data and had a total of 127,477 participants. Participants on average were 64 years old, and 60% were
In the first place, a landmark study showed that fish oil reduces mortality over 16 years. Specifically, the investigation included data from 240,729 men and 180,580 women. Notably, there were 54,230 deaths among the men, and 30,882 deaths among the women. In general, when research an
New research showed that blocking saturated fatty acids may help patients with prostate cancer. Notably, patients who are obese and patients who are slim have different outcomes regarding prostate cancer. Frequently obese patients eat poor diets with lots of saturated fatty acids. Thi
There is now very good evidence that egg consumption increases prostate cancer risk. But apart from eggs there are other dangers, namely the consumption of red meats and even poultry. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, the University of California in San Francisco c
A 2017 study describes a lower mortality from additional omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. 6501 women from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study were part of a study starting in 1997. The study continued till August 2014. It involved the examination of red blood cell omega-3 fa
Inflammatory markers show that fish oil lowers inflammation Research from January 2016 showed that fish oil lowers inflammation. 18 randomized controlled trials that involved 826 subjects were critically analyzed. Three parameters were measured in these subjects. The first was prostag
There are two studies that I reviewed; both involve beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements. 1. Heart attack survivors do better with omega-3 supplementation At the 64th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology Dr. Raymond W. Kwong and associates pr