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Importance Of Fiber Was Confirmed

Importance Of Fiber Was Confirmed

A new study about the importance of fiber was confirmed for the prevention of major diseases. It was the World Health Organization that commissioned this study. The results appeared in a publication in the journal “Lancet”  . Notably, it was based on analyzing 185 observational studie
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Heart Attack Risk

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Heart Attack Risk

A new study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce heart attack risk. The study was published Sept. 30, 2019 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. This analysis pooled data and had a total of 127,477 participants. Participants on average were 64 years old, and 60% were
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Aerobic Exercise Against Alzheimer's

Aerobic Exercise Against Alzheimer’s

A 1-year randomized clinical trial showed aerobic exercise against Alzheimer’s is effective in preserving brain volume. Researchers assigned a total of 70 patients 55 and older with mild cognitive impairment to either a group that did regular aerobic exercises or a group that did stre
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Plant-Based Diets Help You Live Longer

Plant-Based Diets Help You Live Longer

A 29-year (1987 through 2016) follow-up study determined that plant-based diets help you live longer. The study appeared  in the Journal of the American Heart Association on Aug. 7, 2019. In the beginning of the study the study population consisted of 12,168 middle‐aged adults. The fi
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Life Expectancy In The US Drops

Life Expectancy In The US Drops

The life expectancy in the US drops; but this is for the third year that it has gone down. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains in this video that there are three factors that are mainly responsible for this: suicides have increased significantly; alcohol abuse has gone up resulting in the deadl
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Why we can feel tired in older age

Why we can feel tired in older age

There are many causes why we can feel tired in old age. Below I am discussing the most common ones. With aging the blood vessels get more atheromatous deposits This slows down the circulation to the key organs like the brain, the heart, the muscles, the kidneys and the liver. All of t
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Juicing Loses Fiber And Nutrients

Juicing Loses Fiber And Nutrients

A nutrition article in CNN noticed that juicing loses fiber and nutrients. Lately it has become popular to start the day with a glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice. But the problem is that both fiber and some nutrients like antioxidants and bioflavonoids get lost in the process. R
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Risk Versus Benefit of Aspirin (ASA)

Risk Versus Benefit of Aspirin (ASA)

A meta-analysis involving 164,225 participants from 13 trials appeared in JAMA re-examining the risk versus benefit of Aspirin (ASA). The study was published January 22, 2019. The average age of the participants was 62 years. There were 19% diabetics among them. The average risk to de
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High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

A new study in the Lancet has concluded that a high fiber diet is good for your health. Sometimes medical research texts can be cumbersome, so this article from the CNN in popular language translates the facts into simpler terms. Essentially this fiber study was a metaanalysis of many
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Weight Gain And Insulin Resistance

Weight Gain And Insulin Resistance

Dr. Pamela Smith talked about weight gain and insulin resistance. Her talk took place at the 26th Anti-Aging Conference of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas (Dec. 13-15, 2018). Dr. Smith pointed out that 80% of the adult population in the US has blood sugar leve
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