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Your Body Wants Three Forms of Movements every Week

Your Body Wants Three Forms of Movements every Week

Newer studies showed that your body wants three forms of movements every week. We all are familiar with walking. 2300 steps per day is the minimum that you need to walk to avoid dying from cardiovascular disease. 7000 to 8000 steps daily are even better for you. If you prefer to go to
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Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Control lights of gadgets in the bedroom can cause sleep disturbance, which is why many people cover LED indicator lights at night. Some people are more sensitive than others. But I am definitely one of those who are very sensitive to LED lights in my bedroom. I use black electrical t
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Diet Drinks May Cause Heart Disease

Diet Drinks May Cause Heart Disease

A new study showed that diet drinks may cause heart disease. Specifically, these drinks can cause atrial fibrillation, an irregular rhythm of the heart. Atrial fibrillation poses a risk for blood clots inside the heart and can also cause ischemic strokes. Study in the journal Circulat
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Risks of Marijuana Use

Risks of Marijuana Use

Recently, two major studies delineated the risks of marijuana use. When people use marijuana, their risks for heart attacks, heart failure and strokes increase significantly. In a review an article of CNN describes details further. Two papers were presented at the American Heart Assoc
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Physical Exercise Reduces Cancer Risk Significantly

This article is about the finding of a study that physical exercise reduces cancer risk significantly. The study was published on July 27, 2023 in JAMA Oncology. The international team of researchers were from Spain, Australia, Calgary (Canada) and Denmark. The data stemmed from the U
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Sitting too much is Unhealthy for You

Sitting too much is Unhealthy for You

We know for some time that sitting too much is unhealthy for you. However, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine published a paper on Jan. 12, 2023 that five minutes of walking every half hour will prevent illnesses from prolonged sitting. CNN also reviewed this artic
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Supplements Do not Help for Heart Health

Supplements Do not Help for Heart Health

People often want to use supplements for their heart, but a new study showed that certain supplements do not help for heart health. The CNN article is based on the original research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology on Nov. 5, 2020. 190 volunteers in the a
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Better Sleep with Relaxation Exercise

Better Sleep with Relaxation Exercise

The following article is about better sleep with relaxation exercise. A relaxation exercise with the name 4-7-8 technique may be what could help you to fall asleep easier. Here is what it stands for: 4: slowly breathe in with a count to 4 7: hold your breath for 7 counts 8: exhale the
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Your blood Group can be a Factor for Developing an Early Stroke

Your blood Group can be a Factor for Developing an Early Stroke

Recently a publication noted that your blood group can be a factor for developing an early ischemic stroke (before the age of 60). The majority of ischemic strokes develop after the age of 60. But another research group found that your blood group can also be the reason why you may de
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Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Researchers of the European Society of Cardiology presented evidence to show that restoring good sleep prevents heart disease and strokes. Health Line reviewed this data as well. The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain in August of 2022. Detail
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