People attend tailgate parties, until they realize that partygoers eat too much. With hockey, football and other team events being around there is always a reason to celebrate. This means that our calorie intake is not always what it should be. The CNN article sheds a light on this. T
Junk food can cause several cancers. This is what a European food study found. First of all, they also developed a new labeling system for food quality. According to this Nutri-Score logo bad food gets a deep orange color label or a classification “E”. Furthermore, healthy food shows
If you eat organic fruit and vegetables, you likely are familiar with the dirty dozen among fruit and vegetables. Each year the Environmental Working Group is publishing the latest information about the most polluted fruit and vegetables. Here is the latest 2018 list of the “dirty doz
A new international meta-analysis states that cheese and milk products are not causing strokes or heart attacks. This goes against the old and persistent belief that dairy products would be harmful to your health because they contain a lot of saturated fatty acids. Meta-analysis of 29
A South Korean study showed that vitamins can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a change in metabolism in patients with excess abdominal fat. They also often have high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high LDL cholesterol. In addition their liver often d
A study from Tehran asked: are micronutrients protecting kidney function? The results are available in “Nutrients” in 2016. The researchers used the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. It recruited 15,005 participants between the years 1990 and 2001. Every 3 years there were follow-up exa
Every summer a few people are seen in the emergency department of a hospital, because grilling can be hazardous. It is not uncommon that patients show up at the emergency after a BBQ, when they ate a hamburger or steak and felt a stinging pain in their mouth. On examination the physic
Recently a review article came out showing that too much water is not beneficial. Whenever you look around the Internet you find recommendations that you must drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. But the side effect of drinking too much water is a condition called hyponatremia, whic
A new study discussed on CNN showed that eating French fries are linked to a shorter lifespan. This article was based on a multinational scientific study released in April 2017. The study showing that French fries are linked to a shorter lifespan 4440 participants were enrolled in it
It is an older observation that there is an increased breast cancer risk from alcohol consumption for women. But in the meantime a new study has concentrated on the effects of having just one drink per day. This is the recommended dose to prevent cardiovascular disease. When a premen