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Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Research determined that salty foods poison your gut microbiome. This was discussed on March 12, 2024 in “The Conversation”: The consequence of this is that your blood pressure goes up and you are more prone to develop heart attacks and strokes. Why salt can make you sick The amount o
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What Helps for long Covid?

What Helps for long Covid?

What helps for long Covid when people do not recover from Covid-19? Researchers reviewed this recently. Most people who were vaccinated recover from Covid-19 within a few days. But about 10% of people are not that lucky. This is particularly the case for older women and people with ch
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Diets that Fight Inflammation

Diets that Fight Inflammation

Chronic diseases can be improved with diets that fight inflammation. It is chronic inflammation, which is associated with many chronic diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, lupus and inflammatory bowel disease. The key to anti-inflammatory diets is an emphasis on fresh vegeta
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Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome after Covid-19

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome after Covid-19

It is important to realize that multisystem inflammatory syndrome after Covid-19 occurs about 4 weeks following a spike of Covid-19 cases. Notably, children typically present with fever, abdominal pain, neck pain, diarrhea, bloodshot eyes and tiredness. CNN reviewed this syndrome here
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How We Can Maintain a Strong Immune System

How We Can Maintain a Strong Immune System

When we age, it is important to know how we can maintain a strong immune system. Both the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system weaken as we age. A 2018 publication pointed out that with aging inflammation and cytokines show increased activity. This leads to the suppress
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Gram-Negative Bacteria in the Gut Can Cause Cavernous Angiomas

Gram-Negative Bacteria in the Gut Can Cause Cavernous Angiomas

A 2020 clinical study showed that Gram-negative bacteria in the gut can cause cavernous angiomas in brain vessels. Cavernous angiomas are ballooning new capillaries developing from brain blood vessels. These arterial malformations of brain arteries occur in about 0.5% of the populatio
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A New Anti-Viral Drug Against Coronavirus

A New Anti-Viral Drug Against Coronavirus

Remdesivir is a new anti-viral drug against coronavirus that was developed by Gilead Sciences. At a press conference in Beijing Dr. Bruce Aylward, an assistant director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that remdesivir was the only anti-viral drug he could think of
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Beneficial Effects of The Mediterranean Diet on The Gut Flora

Beneficial Effects of The Mediterranean Diet on The Gut Flora

Recently the British Medical Journal described the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on the gut flora. It was a one-year study where 612 elderly people from the Netherlands, France, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom were observed. That is to say, 323 of them consumed a
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Juicing Loses Fiber And Nutrients

Juicing Loses Fiber And Nutrients

A nutrition article in CNN noticed that juicing loses fiber and nutrients. Lately it has become popular to start the day with a glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice. But the problem is that both fiber and some nutrients like antioxidants and bioflavonoids get lost in the process. R
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Inflammation In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Affects The Brain

Inflammation In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Affects The Brain

A new study found that inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients affects the brain. First of all, 54 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were part of this investigation by researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Furthermore, Andrew Schrepf and co-workers did fu
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