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When too much Napping is Bad News

When too much Napping is Bad News

A new study measured napping in older people and found a fact when too much napping is bad news. People who nap too much during the day may start displaying symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease later in their lives. The researchers observed 1,400 people between the ages of 74 and 88 (avera
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Vitamin D3 Helps Malnourished Children

Vitamin D3 Helps Malnourished Children

A clinical trial from the Queen Mary University of London showed that vitamin D3 helps malnourished children.  There were 185 severely malnourished Pakistani children from the ages of 6 months to 58 months that took part in the clinical trial. The children in the trial received a high
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Light-Activated Drug May Treat Parkinson’s Disease

Light-Activated Drug May Treat Parkinson’s Disease

Research has shown that a new light-activated drug may treat Parkinson’s disease.  At least research has found it to be successful in mice. Now trials will show whether this is also the case in humans. The investigative drug MRS7145  is able to block a protein, called the “adenosine A
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Nocturnal Workers Fare Poorly

Nocturnal Workers Fare Poorly

A British study came out on April 12, 2018 showing that nocturnal workers fare poorly. Researchers followed almost half a million adults in the UK for 6-½ years. In the beginning of the study the participants were asked whether they were “definite evening types” or “definite morning t
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New Alzheimer’s Blood Test

New Alzheimer’s Blood Test

A research team in Australia and Japan has developed a new Alzheimer’s blood test. It detects circulating amyloid beta, a toxic protein known to be responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. A research team from Cambridge University has recently done research with the tau
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Sarcopenia In Elderly Can Be Treated

Sarcopenia In Elderly Can Be Treated

New research from McMaster University, Hamilton/Ont. showed that sarcopenia in elderly can be treated. Sarcopenia is the condition where muscle mass and strength fade away with age. It is particularly common in seniors, a growing portion of the population worldwide. Sarcopenia may be
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Parkinson’s Disease From Some Statins

Parkinson’s Disease From Some Statins

A recent study showed that you can get Parkinson’s disease from some statins. This news story is a result of this research paper. Researchers looked at  50 million insurance claim cases, and they identified 22,000 people living with Parkinson’s disease . Of these 2332  had a new
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Coffee Protects Against MS

Coffee Protects Against MS

Two studies have found that MS (multiple sclerosis) seems to occur less frequently in people who consume coffee regularly. MS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is associated with chronic inflammation. Dr. Ellen Mowry reported about the work she and her colleagues had don
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Stem Cell Treatment For Severe MS

Stem Cell Treatment For Severe MS

Introduction A multicenter, phase II trial from Genova, Italy has been completed on 21 patients with severe multiple sclerosis (MS), published in March, 2015. These were patients whose MS was not under control despite conventional MS treatments. They developed new brain lesions that M
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