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Dancing Is as effective as a Workout in the Gym

Dancing Is as effective as a Workout in the Gym

A new meta-analysis showed that dancing is as effective as a workout in the gym. One specific finding was that 3 months of regular dancing (3 times per week) led to a reduction of the fat mass in overweight and obese patients. The fat reduction was -2.23% on average after 3 months. Th
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Helps Patients with Obesity to Lose Weight

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Helps Patients with Obesity to Lose Weight

Notably, a new study showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients with obesity to lose weight. This was published here and is based on a publication in Frontiers in Nutrition. 43 patients were randomized to one of these 3 groups: Education and health group (EH group) A phys
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Should I Eat Breakfast or Fast?

Should I Eat Breakfast or Fast?

With all the dieting advice around, the question is, should I eat breakfast or fast? Some people who do intermittent fasting eat for 10 hours and fast for 14 hours. On this diet plan you are finishing your dinner at 7PM, skip breakfast and have a brunch at 11 AM the following morning
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Not Drinking For One Month Has Lasting Effects

Not Drinking For One Month Has Lasting Effects

After excessive drinking during the holidays many join “Dry January”, experiencing that not drinking for one month has lasting effects. Although a sober January was introduced in Finland in 1942, the movement experienced a new rejuvenation in England under the name “Dry January” in 20
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High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

High Fiber Diet Is Good For Your Health

A new study in the Lancet has concluded that a high fiber diet is good for your health. Sometimes medical research texts can be cumbersome, so this article from the CNN in popular language translates the facts into simpler terms. Essentially this fiber study was a metaanalysis of many
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The Importance Of Fiber

The Importance Of Fiber

We all heard about the importance of fiber. Fiber prevents colon cancer and lowers LDL cholesterol in the blood, which prevents heart attacks. But what is the evidence that fiber really is beneficial to our health? The following publication is reviewing what health benefits fiber has
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Apple Cider Vinegar, Science Or Fiction?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Science Or Fiction?

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy, hence the question: apple cider vinegar, science or fiction? A recent article has attempted to answer this question. There are several claims that are made about the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar. Here are some of the answers. 1. Di
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