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Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Salty Foods Poison Your Gut Microbiome

Research determined that salty foods poison your gut microbiome. This was discussed on March 12, 2024 in “The Conversation”: The consequence of this is that your blood pressure goes up and you are more prone to develop heart attacks and strokes. Why salt can make you sick The amount o
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Are Several Smaller Meals Better than a Few Large Ones?

Are Several Smaller Meals Better than a Few Large Ones?

In an article in Medical News the question was examined “are several small meals better than a few large ones? “ The author reviewed meal frequency and fasting in detail. But there are many other publications that discuss variations of the standard 3 meals a day. Others suggest to con
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Best cheese for weight loss

Which Cheese is the healthiest?

Recently a CNN article asked which cheese is the healthiest? Two nutritionists commented on various cheeses and why some are healthier than others. When it comes to the quality of cheese it is important to be aware of the amino acid content, keep the fat content as low as possible and
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There is no Thimerosal in the New Covid-19 Vaccine

There is no Thimerosal in the New Covid-19 Vaccine

It is important to realize that contrary to anti-vaxxers’ statements there is no thimerosal in the new Covid-19 vaccine. In the past the multiple user vials of flu vaccines did have thimerosal in it as a preservative. Thimerosal is a mercury containing preservative and the legitimate
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Cutting Salt Prevents Heart Disease

Cutting Salt Prevents Heart Disease

In a new study it is stressed that cutting salt prevents heart disease. Often high blood pressure has an association with eating too much salty food. But this may not have to be necessarily from salt you added to your food. Eating too much processed food can also make you exceed your
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Craving Junk Food With A Lack Of Sleep

Craving Junk Food With A Lack Of Sleep

A CNN review article describes that people are craving junk food with a lack of sleep. This research has been conducted at the University of Chicago. The main investigator was behavioral neuroscientist Erin Hanlon, who studied the connection between brain systems and behavior. He says
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Packaging Of Fast Food Contains Carcinogens

Packaging Of Fast Food Contains Carcinogens

A new study warns that packaging of fast food items contains carcinogens. Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are highly persistent chemicals. These chemicals are associated with cancer. They have damaging effects on fetal growth and on the immune system. The reason the food industry i
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The Fear Of Salt

The Fear Of Salt

The fear of salt is associated with the medical dogma that lasted for several decades that salt over consumption would elevate blood pressure. We know that high blood pressure will cause heart attacks and strokes. Over the years governments have been influenced by health associations.
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