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Kidney Disease Medication can Prevent Death from Heart Failure

Kidney Disease Medication can Prevent Death from Heart Failure

A new study showed that kidney disease medication can prevent death from heart failure. Originally the New England Journal of Medicine published this study first. Clinical trial involving finerenone to treat heart failure Bayer conducted a clinical trial regarding the drug finerenone
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Exercise Benefit about the same during the Week or on Weekends

Exercise Benefit about the same during the Week or on Weekends

This article is about “exercise benefit about the same during the week or on weekends”. For decades we heard that regular exercise was the only way how to reduce the risk regarding cardiovascular disease. But a new study is questioning this assumption. It found that when y
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The Benefits of Having a Nap

The Benefits of Having a Nap

A recent CNN article described the benefits of having a nap. When you had poor sleep in the previous night, a noonday nap is a great way to recharge your energies. But many people chronically get less than 7 or 8 hours of sleep at night, so they are always sleep-deprived. They, too ca
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Olive Oil and Other Beneficial Foods

Olive Oil and Other Beneficial Foods

The Mediterranean diet has long been known to include olive oil and other beneficial foods. These foods consist of lots of vegetables, fruit and fish. I has also become common knowledge that it decreases the risk of some cancers, high cholesterol, diabetes and to prevent heart attacks
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Plant-Based Diets Help You Live Longer

Plant-Based Diets Help You Live Longer

A 29-year (1987 through 2016) follow-up study determined that plant-based diets help you live longer. The study appeared  in the Journal of the American Heart Association on Aug. 7, 2019. In the beginning of the study the study population consisted of 12,168 middle‐aged adults. The fi
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Magnesium Helps Diabetics

Magnesium Helps Diabetics

Magnesium helps diabetics and those who are at risk of getting diabetes to lower their blood sugars. This is what a European meta-analysis revealed. European study showing that magnesium helps diabetics The researchers of this publication in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Five Diseases Associated With Anxiety

Five Diseases Associated With Anxiety

Anxiety is a common human experience and there are commonly five diseases associated with anxiety. Anxiety can be due to the stress response (“fight or flight response”). This helps us cope with acute threats and is called “acute anxiety”. But anxiety can still be there long after the
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Heart Failure Linked To Low Bone Density

Heart Failure is Linked to Low Bone Density

Introduction This article is about the fact that heart failure is linked to low bone density. Indeed, a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology analyzed the bone density of more than 13,000 healthy individuals. In addition, the researchers also examined their hearts
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Low-Dose Aspirin Reduces Heart Failure Deaths

Low-Dose Aspirin Reduces Heart Failure Deaths

Researchers from Ireland have completed a study where they found that low-dose aspirin reduces heart failure deaths. 892 patients with heart failure were prescribed aspirin, where 828 were low dose, the rest either high dose or none. The observation time was up to 12 years with a medi
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