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Dancing Is as effective as a Workout in the Gym

Dancing Is as effective as a Workout in the Gym

A new meta-analysis showed that dancing is as effective as a workout in the gym. One specific finding was that 3 months of regular dancing (3 times per week) led to a reduction of the fat mass in overweight and obese patients. The fat reduction was -2.23% on average after 3 months. Th
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The Biology Of Aging

The Biology Of Aging

Until not too long ago scientists considered the biology of aging as a one-way street. Your DNA ages, mitochondria, the cells’ power plants, age and the telomeres get shorter as we age. At the end we run out of steam and die. Telomeres and the biology of aging In one study the telomer
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Vitamin E Necessary For Anti-Aging

Vitamin E Necessary For Anti-Aging

Vitamin E has been known to help prevent heart attacks in the past. But now a new publication has shown that in two human cell lines vitamin E prevented senescence to occur. This was proven by the fact that the human cell lines that included vitamin E continued to divide versus contro
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Erectile Dysfunction Predicts Heart Disease

Erectile Dysfunction Predicts Heart Disease

Several studies have shown that erectile dysfunction (ED) is a predictor for heart disease. When the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction occur, the doctor should not just prescribe the little blue pill (Viagra), but should carefully check for coronary heart disease (CHD). It has be
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Shortened Telomeres Predict Cancer

Shortened Telomeres Predict Cancer

A study following 792 persons for 13 years showed that shortened telomeres predict cancer. Telomeres are the caps at the end of chromosomes that protect the DNA between cell divisions. Initially all of the patients of the Northwestern and Harvard study were cancer free, but after 13 y
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Longer Life With Mediterranean Diet

Longer Life With Mediterranean Diet

The fact that you can have a longer life with a Mediterranean diet is known for some time. But now a study has shown that the reason for a longer life is the fact that telomeres get elongated from the Mediterranean diet. Telomeres are the caps at the end of chromosomes, and they get s
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Mediterranean Diet Keeps You Young

A study which was continuing for more than ten years involving 5000 nurses found that a Mediterranean diet keeps your cells younger for longer. The nurses involved in this study were eating a diet consisting of vegetables, chicken, fish, fruit, but they stayed away from red meats, but
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