The medical system tends to neglect high blood pressure patients, but a new program helped 74% of patients control their blood pressure. A new program of the American Heart Association overcame the obstacles of close follow-up of high blood pressure patients. This pilot program was pr
A new study showed that diet drinks may cause heart disease. Specifically, these drinks can cause atrial fibrillation, an irregular rhythm of the heart. Atrial fibrillation poses a risk for blood clots inside the heart and can also cause ischemic strokes. Study in the journal Circulat
A new study showed that reducing risk factors in young onset dementia is effective modifying the course of their disease. The study was about people with young onset dementia where several risk factors were identified. People can concentrate on modifying these risk factors, which s
Recently, two major studies delineated the risks of marijuana use. When people use marijuana, their risks for heart attacks, heart failure and strokes increase significantly. In a review an article of CNN describes details further. Two papers were presented at the American Heart Assoc
This article is about “exercise benefit about the same during the week or on weekends”. For decades we heard that regular exercise was the only way how to reduce the risk regarding cardiovascular disease. But a new study is questioning this assumption. It found that when y
On February 24, 2023 CNN reported about research that demonstrated how marijuana affects your heart. Dr. Ishan Paranjpe is a resident physician at Stanford University who conducted this study. It has not been published yet, as the findings will first be presented on March 5, 2023 at t
Recently a publication noted that your blood group can be a factor for developing an early ischemic stroke (before the age of 60). The majority of ischemic strokes develop after the age of 60. But another research group found that your blood group can also be the reason why you may de
Researchers of the European Society of Cardiology presented evidence to show that restoring good sleep prevents heart disease and strokes. Health Line reviewed this data as well. The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain in August of 2022. Detail
In an article in Medical News the question was examined “are several small meals better than a few large ones? “ The author reviewed meal frequency and fasting in detail. But there are many other publications that discuss variations of the standard 3 meals a day. Others suggest to con
A 25-year long study was published in March 2022, which showed that a high fiber diet is important to reduce cardiovascular disease. Overall, 4125 subjects participated in 1989 to 1990 who were 65 or older at the time of enrollment. In particular, patients were given intermittent food