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Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Cover LED Indicator Lights at Night

Control lights of gadgets in the bedroom can cause sleep disturbance, which is why many people cover LED indicator lights at night. Some people are more sensitive than others. But I am definitely one of those who are very sensitive to LED lights in my bedroom. I use black electrical t
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Don’t Buy Gummies Sold as Sleep-Aids

Don’t Buy Gummies Sold as Sleep-Aids

Recently the news media recorded overdoses from sleep gummies, that’s why the warning: don’t buy gummies sold as sleep-aids. When a customer with sleep problems hears of a sleep-aid that is available over the counter, he or she may think that this sleep-aid likely is safe. However, th
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Better Sleep with Relaxation Exercise

Better Sleep with Relaxation Exercise

The following article is about better sleep with relaxation exercise. A relaxation exercise with the name 4-7-8 technique may be what could help you to fall asleep easier. Here is what it stands for: 4: slowly breathe in with a count to 4 7: hold your breath for 7 counts 8: exhale the
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Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Restoring Good Sleep Prevents Heart Disease and Strokes

Researchers of the European Society of Cardiology presented evidence to show that restoring good sleep prevents heart disease and strokes. Health Line reviewed this data as well. The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain in August of 2022. Detail
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A Lack of Sleep can Lead to Alzheimer’s Faster

A Lack of Sleep can Lead to Alzheimer’s Faster

A study published in July 2021 showed that a lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s faster. Essentially this was a study of 4425 cognitively unimpaired participants. It showed that people who sleep shorter than 6 hours develop increased β-amyloid in the brain. This was tested with the
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How Regular Exercise Can Help You to Sleep Better

How Regular Exercise Can Help You to Sleep Better

A CNN review article explained how regular exercise can help you to sleep better. In a study from the Sleep Foundation the sleep behavior of professional athletes was studied.  The study found that athletes were twice as likely to get high quality sleep at nights compared to non-exerc
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Why some are Early Birds and some are Night Owls

Why some are Early Birds and some are Night Owls

I am discussing here why some are early birds and some are night owls. Whether you are an early bird or a night owl seems to be genetically determined. CNN reviewed this in this article. The majority of people get tired around 10 PM, they get to bed and sleep for 7 to 8 hours before t
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Women Who Lack Sleep Crave Sugar And Unhealthy Fats

Women Who Lack Sleep Crave Sugar And Unhealthy Fats

A new study showed that women who lack sleep crave sugar and unhealthy fats. This study included almost 500 women and spanned 1 year. The publication appeared on Feb. 17, 2020 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The researchers analyzed what the women ate, how much sleep
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Weight Gain And Insulin Resistance

Weight Gain And Insulin Resistance

Dr. Pamela Smith talked about weight gain and insulin resistance. Her talk took place at the 26th Anti-Aging Conference of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas (Dec. 13-15, 2018). Dr. Smith pointed out that 80% of the adult population in the US has blood sugar leve
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Sleeping Well At Nights

Sleeping Well At Nights

Medical News Today published an article on Sept. 11, 2017 about sleeping well at nights. The title was “Five ways to get a good night’s sleep”. As about 2/3 of adults in the US have insomnia problems, it is important to discuss this topic. 800 deaths occur every year due to acci
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