Studies showed that smoking and a poor diet are responsible for lung cancer. In the past researchers identified that smoking cigarettes was the main cause of lung cancer. But additional research recently identified that poor diets were another cause of lung cancer. Recent studies show
A study by CNN Health found that consumption of fruit juice and weight gain show an association.The publication consisted of a metaanalysis of 17 children’s studies and 25 adults’ studies. On average the consumption of 1 drink (8oz.) of 100% fruit juice per day increased the body mass
A new study showed that reducing risk factors in young onset dementia is effective modifying the course of their disease. The study was about people with young onset dementia where several risk factors were identified. People can concentrate on modifying these risk factors, which s
On Nov.29, 2023 the British Medical Journal published an article that showed that social media usage is responsible for unhealthy behaviors in youth. In a meta-analysis the researchers compared “hardly ever users” of social media with “heavy users” of social media. 73 studies were inc
What helps for long Covid when people do not recover from Covid-19? Researchers reviewed this recently. Most people who were vaccinated recover from Covid-19 within a few days. But about 10% of people are not that lucky. This is particularly the case for older women and people with ch
A new study revealed that a keto-like diet causes heart disease. After 11.8 years those on a keto-diet had a more than 2-fold increased rate of heart attacks and coronary artery narrowing compared to controls on a normal diet. As a result, cardiologists had to insert more stents into
A recent study from the RUSH University, Chicago, Illinois showed that diets can reduce markers for Alzheimer’s disease. The publication date of the study was March 8, 2023. The study began in 1997. Researchers followed people who donated their body to the Memory and Aging project at
This article is about “fermented foods can replace probiotic supplements”. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi can help the gut balance its bacteria. But there are other fermented foods that can help your gut: yoghurt and kefir, which is a fermented probiotic milk d
New research shows that there is an alarming rise in cancer among young people. Here is a summary of the findings. Briefly, the article states that patients in the 20, 30 and younger than 50-year age group are more and more diagnosed with advanced stage cancers. Colon cancer tops this
In an article in Medical News the question was examined “are several small meals better than a few large ones? “ The author reviewed meal frequency and fasting in detail. But there are many other publications that discuss variations of the standard 3 meals a day. Others suggest to con