A new study measured napping in older people and found a fact when too much napping is bad news. People who nap too much during the day may start displaying symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease later in their lives. The researchers observed 1,400 people between the ages of 74 and 88 (avera
The World Heart Federation announced that alcohol is overlooked as cancer cause. This is based on new research where alcohol industry sponsors of previous research were omitted. But the American Heart Association (AHA) finds this conclusion too one-sided. The AHA points out that there
The life expectancy in the US drops; but this is for the third year that it has gone down. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains in this video that there are three factors that are mainly responsible for this: suicides have increased significantly; alcohol abuse has gone up resulting in the deadl
Teen marijuana use can cause bipolar disease later in life. This is what a new study showed. The study comes from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. Dr. Steven Marwaha, a clinical academic psychiatrist was the lead investigator. While it had been known that the use of ma