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Getting Adolescents to Eat Healthy

Getting Adolescents to Eat Healthy

A method that is getting adolescents to eat healthy will prevent obesity in later years. Here is a summary in the popular press of a new research paper, which achieved this goal. The summary was based on this publication from the University of Texas dated Sept. 12, 2016. Study highlig
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Metformin Lowers Mortality Of Diabetics

Metformin Lowers Mortality Of Diabetics

A large meta-analysis was published in June 2016 showing that metformin lowers mortality of diabetics. The review included data from 204 studies, namely 179 trials and 25 observational studies. There was a total lover 1.4 million subjects enrolled. Mortality from cardiovascular diseas
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Inflammatory Diet Causes High Mortality

Inflammatory Diet Causes High Mortality

A landmark study from Paris, France came to the conclusion that an inflammatory diet causes high mortality. The initial trial occurred between 1994 and 2002. This checked whether low dose antioxidants were helpful in improving survival. This trial involved 8089 participants with an av
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Cure Diabetes Permanently

Cure Diabetes Permanently

In 2011 Dr. Taylor from Newcastle University showed in a group of diabetes patients that he could cure diabetes permanently with an extremely low calorie diet. The trial was simple: he took overweight or obese patients with diabetes and put them on a starvation diet of 600-700 calorie
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