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Medical News Items

This section of nethealthbook is a collection of medical news items. It brings you very timely research that will help you understand medical problems better. Links to appropriate pages integrate the articles into the text of One example: a news article finds that higher fiber content in the diet of males reduces prostate cancer risk. This is now part of the prostate cancer chapter under prostate cancer prevention. On the other hand an Australian study found that diabetes is a risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer. Close blood sugar control in diabetics reduces this risk. That fact is also mentioned on the page of nethealthbook titled causes of cancer of the pancreas.

Mediterranean diet

Another study about Midwestern firefighters came to the conclusion that a Mediterranean diet benefits US workers. The diet consisted of lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil and whole grain. These firefighters had a 35% lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which translated into much less heart attacks over the years than a control group on a regular diet. The average consumer often overlooks this type of data from the medical literature, but it is very relevant to the average consumer.

Many short medical news items

Among the medical news items is a collection of short reviews of original research findings on many topics. Recently I reviewed a new malaria vaccine. Another item was an article about the benefit of having a nap. A completely different topic was the fact that circumcision may have long-term emotional consequences on adult socio-affective processing. Another story is how the Covid19 vaccine works. Finally, I wrote an article about how millions of Americans are exposed to toxins in drinking water.

Over the years information from these practical medical news items accumulate and become part of the database of

Last modified: January 8, 2025

This outline is only a teaching aid to patients and should stimulate you to ask the right questions when seeing your doctor. However, the responsibility of treatment stays in the hands of your doctor and you.
Keto-like Diet Causes Heart Disease

Keto-like Diet Causes Heart Disease

A new study revealed that a keto-like diet causes heart disease. After 11.8 years those on a keto-diet had a more than 2-fold increased rate of heart attacks and coronary artery narrowing compared to controls on a normal diet. As a result, cardiologists had to insert more stents into
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Blueberries and Green Beans are now also Contaminated

Blueberries and Green Beans are now also Contaminated

The United States Department of Agriculture found that blueberries and green beans are now also contaminated with pesticides. Every year the Department of Agriculture tests foods for residual pesticides they publish a list of the 12 most contaminated crops. This list carries the name
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Diets Can Reduce Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease

Diets Can Reduce Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease

A recent study from the RUSH University, Chicago, Illinois showed that diets can reduce markers for Alzheimer’s disease. The publication date of the study was March 8, 2023. The study began in 1997. Researchers followed people who donated their body to the Memory and Aging project at
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Fermented Foods Can Replace Probiotic Supplements

Fermented Foods Can Replace Probiotic Supplements

This article is about “fermented foods can replace probiotic supplements”. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi can help the gut balance its bacteria. But there are other fermented foods that can help your gut: yoghurt and kefir, which is a fermented probiotic milk d
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Fat Cells, Stem Cells and PRP can Remove Wrinkles

Fat Cells, Stem Cells and PRP can Remove Wrinkles

Notably, movie stars know that fat cells, stem cells and PRP can remove wrinkles. You may have wondered how famous persons manage to look younger for longer. The trick is the procedure I am describing here. In general, treatment of wrinkles by injecting a mix of fat cells and stem cel
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Vitamin D3 Supplementation Helps to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamin D3 Supplementation Helps to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

A new study found that vitamin D3 supplementation helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease significantly. Researchers at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute of Calgary University and University of Exeter in the UK followed older patients, with or without vitamin D3 supplementation. At enrolment
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How Marijuana Affects your Heart

How Marijuana Affects your Heart

On February 24, 2023 CNN reported about research that demonstrated how marijuana affects your heart. Dr. Ishan Paranjpe is a resident physician at Stanford University who conducted this study. It has not been published yet, as the findings will first be presented on March 5, 2023 at t
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Focused Ultrasound as Tool to Treat Tremors and Depression

Focused Ultrasound as Tool to Treat Tremors and Depression

In the last few years focussed ultrasound as tool to treat tremors and depression has emerged successfully. A recent CNN article summarized this in detail. Focussed ultrasound treatment uses sound waves that are highly focussed. This can burn tissue, including brain tissue, to remove
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