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Cancer Rates Down In the US

Cancer Rates Down In the US

In a publication dated Jan. 5, 2015 there is a report showing that the cancer rates in the US are down in the past two decades. There has been a decline of 22% in cancer mortality over two decades, which translates into 1.5 million lives saved from cancer. The data was obtained from t
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Fiber Is Good For You

Fiber Is Good For You

Fiber is good for you as it has been proven to be beneficial for prevention of cardiovascular diseases and various cancers in the past; now it has been studied again in a much larger study population as was reported recently in the media. This news report was based on this medical stu
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Higher Vitamin D Levels are Associated with a Lower Risk Of Mortality

Introduction This article is about the fact that higher vitamin D levels are associated with a lower risk of mortality. Dr. Cedric Garland and colleagues undertook a study where they pooled data from 32 studies and determined that a vitamin D3 level of 30 ng/ml or more halved the risk
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