A new study shows that girls are getting their first period earlier than in previous centuries. The first period has the name menarche. The study in JAMA Network Open also noted that it takes longer for girls to develop regular periods. The data is based on 71,341 US female individual
Hundreds of consumer products contain a chemical that kills. Notably, these chemicals have the name phthalates. Certainly, researchers know that phthalates are hormone disruptors. Another hormone disruptor is bisphenol A or BPA. This chemical became famous as BPA was part of baby bott
Hypogonadism following testicular cancer treatment leaves the man often with distressing symptoms. This means that the testosterone production is too low. The risk of developing hypogonadism following successful testicular cancer treatment was 3.8-fold in comparison to men without tes
A CNN review article describes that people are craving junk food with a lack of sleep. This research has been conducted at the University of Chicago. The main investigator was behavioral neuroscientist Erin Hanlon, who studied the connection between brain systems and behavior. He says
Over a period of almost 20 years women show health benefits from a low-fat diet for postmenopausal women. The study appeared in the Journal of Nutrition on June 8, 2019. The clinical trial followed 48,835 postmenopausal women with an age between 50 and 79 for 19.6 years. In the beginn
There are many causes why we can feel tired in old age. Below I am discussing the most common ones. With aging the blood vessels get more atheromatous deposits This slows down the circulation to the key organs like the brain, the heart, the muscles, the kidneys and the liver. All of t
A study from Korea involving 4,766 postmenopausal women showed that hormone replacement could significantly prevent osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women. The study The researchers of this study enrolled 4,766 postmenopausal women into the study. They had been on more than 1 year of
A large study in American men showed that certainly men with testosterone deficiency are at risk for multiple diseases. Mark Peterson, PhD, MS conducted this clinical trial. He said that previous studies of men were not reflective of the current male population in the US. The findings
When we age, we often loose our hearing, but hearing loss may come from aldosterone deficiency as well. Dr. Richard Lippman has been researching hearing loss and noted that there is a close relationship in many older patients with aldosterone deficiency of the adrenal glands. His nex
Whether erectile dysfunction improves with testosterone replacement has been the subject of a study published July 2017 (Ref. 1). It was a prospective study involving 656 men at an average age of 60.7 years. These men all had low testosterone levels and also symptoms of deficiency of