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Eating Foods High in Bioflavonoids Can Prevent Alzheimer’s

Eating Foods High in Bioflavonoids Can Prevent Alzheimer’s

We heard before that eating foods high in bioflavonoids can prevent Alzheimer’s. But now a large study that went on for almost 25 years involving 75,000 participants confirmed the previous finding. Indeed, there is a review of the study by CNN. Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemi
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Red Meat Can Give You Heart Attacks

Red Meat Can Give You Heart Attacks

A recent study from Oxford University showed that red meat can give you heart attacks. Specifically, the researchers conducted a metaanalysis of 1.4 million people and followed them for over 30 years. They found that 50 Grams (1.75 ounces) of unprocessed red meat including beef, pork
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