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Blocking Saturated Fatty Acids May Help Patients With Prostate Cancer

Blocking Saturated Fatty Acids May Help Patients With Prostate Cancer

New research showed that blocking saturated fatty acids may help patients with prostate cancer. Notably, patients who are obese and patients who are slim have different outcomes regarding prostate cancer. Frequently obese patients eat poor diets with lots of saturated fatty acids. Thi
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The End Of The Coconut Oil Hype

The End Of The Coconut Oil Hype

Professor Dr. Karin Michels from the Freiburg University, Germany recently announced the end of the coconut oil hype.  In her lecture she went one step further and said that coconut oil is a poison and will lead to heart attacks, if consumed regularly. The statement indicates that coc
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Cheese And Milk Products Are Not Causing Strokes Or Heart Attacks

Cheese And Milk Products Are Not Causing Strokes Or Heart Attacks

A new international meta-analysis states that cheese and milk products are not causing strokes or heart attacks. This goes against the old and persistent belief that dairy products would be harmful to your health because they contain a lot of saturated fatty acids. Meta-analysis of 29
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