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Swimming in Natural Waters versus Swimming in a Swimming Pool

Swimming in Natural Waters versus Swimming in a Swimming Pool

Many may ask themselves whether they should be swimming in natural waters versus swimming in a swimming pool. This question is particularly important as we are heading towards the next summer season. With denser populations there is more river, lake and sea pollution as raw sewage is
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Chemicals With Consequences

Chemicals With Consequences

Some chemicals in the environment break down slowly, and as a result they become chemicals with consequences. There is a group of such persistent chemicals, perfluoroalky substances and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS for short. They have a strong bond between fluorine and a carbon
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How Does Wildfire Smoke Affect Our Health?

How Does Wildfire Smoke Affect Our Health?

With wildfires burning everywhere the question is: how does wildfire smoke affect our health? Wildfires seem to occur more frequently during the summer and even in fall. The smoke from the wildfires in Northern California has reached the area where I live in British Columbia, Canada.
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Air Pollution Lowers Good Cholesterol

Air Pollution Lowers Good Cholesterol

A study revealed that air pollution lowers good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). Physicians  were already concerned in the past  that air pollution could  cause heart attacks and strokes. But as Medical News Today reported, now the link between heart attacks and air pollution has been f
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Good Nutrition Can Manage Chronic Inflammation

Good Nutrition Can Manage Chronic Inflammation

Dr. Mitchell Fleisher explained that good nutrition can manage chronic inflammation. He presented his talk at the 24th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine (Dec. 9-11, 2016) in Las Vegas that I attended. It was entitled “Effective Anti-Aging Nutritional Management of Chronic I
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Drugs In Salmon

Drugs In Salmon

In Puget Sound, Washington researchers found drugs in salmon. Juvenile Chinook salmon were tested for toxic compounds. The surprising fact was that researchers could find antidepressants, Tylenol, OxyContin, Benadryl, Prozac and Aleve (arthritis medication). Researchers  could demonst
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