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Weight Loss With Minimal Exercise

Weight Loss With Minimal Exercise

Some people achieve weight loss with minimal exercise. Others who exercise regularly have problems losing weight. An international study involving 332 people looked at this problem in detail. The medical investigators examined the energy expenditure in these 332 adults in 5 different
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The Fear Of Salt

The Fear Of Salt

The fear of salt is associated with the medical dogma that lasted for several decades that salt over consumption would elevate blood pressure. We know that high blood pressure will cause heart attacks and strokes. Over the years governments have been influenced by health associations.
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New Findings About Cancer Gene

New Findings About Cancer Gene

Recently the news spread that elephants have 20-times the amount of a cancer suppressing gene, called p53. Elephants have about 100 times the cells of humans, but their cancer rate is only 5% in a lifetime, which lasts 50 to 70 years. Humans on the other hand have a cancer rate of bet
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Insufficient Vitamin D3 Linked To Pancreatic Cancer

Insufficient Vitamin D3 is Linked To Pancreatic Cancer

Introduction In this article I am discussing that insufficient vitamin D3 is linked to pancreatic cancer. Studies have shown that with higher latitude there is a decreased blood level of vitamin D3, which is associated with a much higher rate of pancreatic cancer. A group of researche
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