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How Nutrients Strengthen the Immune System against Viruses

How Nutrients Strengthen the Immune System against Viruses

The Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry published a review explaining how nutrients strengthen the immune system against viruses. The researchers reviewed 51 articles, many of them randomized clinical trials and meta analyses. Notably, the following results identified what the imm
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Gut Bacteria Interact with Vitamin D Blood Levels

Gut Bacteria Interact with Vitamin D Blood Levels

It is important to realize that a University of California San Diego study group found how gut bacteria interact with vitamin D blood levels. Usually clinicians rely on 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels to assess whether patients are vitamin D deficient. However, this study found
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New Cancer Screening Test

New Cancer Screening Test

A new cancer screening test will be tested in the UK starting in mid 2021. The test has been developed in California by the Grail company. The planned clinical cancer screening test has the name Galleri blood test. Presently, this test is not generally available yet. The clinical tria
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How the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Works

How the Covid-19 Vaccine Works

Pfizer recently announced their vaccine is 90% effective, so I thought I explain how the Covid-19 vaccine works. There is a wide variety of RNA viruses The West Nile virus belongs there, so does the hepatitis A and C virus. Poliovirus, the Corona viruses (SARS, Covid-19 coronavirus),
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A Protein that Protects Bone Marrow Stem Cells from Infection

A Protein that Protects Bone Marrow Stem Cells from Infection

Researchers have detected a protein that protects bone marrow stem cells from infection. In humans this protein has the name YTHDF2. Markedly, in mice the same protein exists. It is important to realize that the function of this protein is to protect bone marrow stem cells during time
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