A Medscape publication reported the cancer incidence in 9/11 firefighters 20 years later. Firefighters from the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) worked at the World Trade Center during 9/11. The control group were firefighters from the Career Firefighter Health Study. Re
A September 2017 article in Medical News Today reported that modified polio vaccine might help cure cancer. The two key investigators were Dr. Matthias Gromeier and Prof. Smita Nair from Duke University. Dr. Gromeier is a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Nair is an imm
A new high-tech tool to screen for skin cancer will likely revolutionize skin cancer treatment and mortality. According to this report on CNN, which is based on a report by Nature, image recognition technologies have been applied to diagnosing skin cancers. A research team trained a c
A new study presented at an American Cancer Research Conference in New Orleans has shown that melanoma survival improved with the immunomodulator Opdivo®. After 5 years of treatment with Opdivo® 34% of patients were alive, while only 16% of melanoma patients receiving conventional tre