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The Continuation of the Covid Pandemic

The Continuation of the Covid Pandemic

Recently CNN interviewed an infection specialist about the continuation of the Covid pandemic. CNN asked Dr. Jonathan Reiner, professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University several questions. The questions centered around the future of the pandemic, particularly in
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Immunity against Covid-19 Coronavirus Persists Longer than Expected

Immunity against Covid-19 Coronavirus Persists Longer than Expected

A new study in “Nature” determined that immunity against Covid-19 coronavirus persists longer than expected. It also showed that the antibodies eliminate the South African variants of the virus as well. Researchers did extensive blood tests in 87 individuals at two time points. The fi
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How Nutrients Strengthen the Immune System against Viruses

How Nutrients Strengthen the Immune System against Viruses

The Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry published a review explaining how nutrients strengthen the immune system against viruses. The researchers reviewed 51 articles, many of them randomized clinical trials and meta analyses. Notably, the following results identified what the imm
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How the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Works

How the Covid-19 Vaccine Works

Pfizer recently announced their vaccine is 90% effective, so I thought I explain how the Covid-19 vaccine works. There is a wide variety of RNA viruses The West Nile virus belongs there, so does the hepatitis A and C virus. Poliovirus, the Corona viruses (SARS, Covid-19 coronavirus),
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How We Can Maintain a Strong Immune System

How We Can Maintain a Strong Immune System

When we age, it is important to know how we can maintain a strong immune system. Both the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system weaken as we age. A 2018 publication pointed out that with aging inflammation and cytokines show increased activity. This leads to the suppress
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Natural Immune-boosting STING Protein Against Cancer

Natural Immune-boosting STING Protein Against Cancer

Researchers have detected a natural immune-boosting STING protein against cancer. STING stands for STimulator of INterferon Genes. Scientists at Scripps Research have found this molecule that is part of the immune system. It is essential for mounting an immune response against viruses
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Will Herd Immunity Slow the Covid-19 Coronavirus?

Will Herd Immunity Eventually Slow the Covid-19 Coronavirus?

With many people dying from coronavirus infections, the question is, will herd immunity eventually slow the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus? A large study from Spain is giving us a cautious answer. Spain was one of the European countries most affected by the pandemic. Researchers were
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