A joint Canadian/ US study found that male homosexuality has a link to a protein antibody. The release of the study was quite recent in October, 2017. Researchers have known for some time that a “fraternal birth order” exists that makes it more likely for a younger brother to develop
Recently a cardiology team from India found that early graying and baldness predict heart disease. These two risk factors are on top of the conventional risk factors. The ones that are known already are high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. C
We all heard about the importance of fiber. Fiber prevents colon cancer and lowers LDL cholesterol in the blood, which prevents heart attacks. But what is the evidence that fiber really is beneficial to our health? The following publication is reviewing what health benefits fiber has
A 2017 study describes a lower mortality from additional omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. 6501 women from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study were part of a study starting in 1997. The study continued till August 2014. It involved the examination of red blood cell omega-3 fa