A drinking water study found that toxin contaminated drinking water affects millions in the US. The study was published Oct. 14, 2020 in Environmental Science & Technology Letters. Medical News today published an easier to understand version of it on Oct. 30, 2020. Details of the
Surely, a new approach to investigating organ damage has shown that extracellular vesicles can revive tissues after a heart attack. Specifically, researcher from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences used a unique tool to investigate this. It is import
A new study found that glucosamine supplementation can reduce mortality. In this study 495,077 women and men were observed for 8.9 years. This was part of the UK Biobank study. 19,882 deaths occurred during the course of the study. 3,802 deaths were due to cardiovascular disease (stro
New research from the University of Cambridge showed that cold shock protein from cold water exposure may cure Alzheimer’s disease. Cold shock proteins were first detected in bacterial cultures when the temperature was dropped from 37 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees. Subsequently resear