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Food Contamination Can Be Detected By A Strip

Food Contamination Can Be Detected By A Strip

A McMaster University research team from Hamilton/Ont. has proven that food contamination can be detected by a strip. It took the team 15 years to perfect this task. I have discussed food safety, particularly in summer, before. I also pointed out several measures the FDA introduced to
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Is Dropped Food Contaminated?

Is Dropped Food Contaminated?

We all had the experience that we dropped food, but is dropped food contaminated? This is the question that a group of microbiologists from Rutgers University, New Jersey asked themselves. There is a saying called the 5-second rule. This suggests that eating food from the floor is saf
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New Antibiotic Lugdunin Against Resistant Bugs

New Antibiotic Lugdunin Against Resistant Bugs

Researchers at Tübingen University, Germany have found a new antibiotic lugdunin against resistant bugs as the BBC reported. This report is based on a scientific publication published on the previous day. The researchers analyzed the natural bacteria in the hair of people’s nost
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