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Sexual Assault Leads to Health Consequences

Sexual Assault Leads to Health Consequences

Notably, a new study showed that sexual assault leads to health consequences. It concentrated on a group of women who were sexually assaulted in their teenage years. Specifically, several decades later brain studies showed that they were now developing white matter hyperintensities in
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A Lack of Sleep can Lead to Alzheimer’s Faster

A Lack of Sleep can Lead to Alzheimer’s Faster

A study published in July 2021 showed that a lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s faster. Essentially this was a study of 4425 cognitively unimpaired participants. It showed that people who sleep shorter than 6 hours develop increased β-amyloid in the brain. This was tested with the
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Are Booster Vaccines necessary for Covid-19 Prevention

Are Booster Vaccines necessary for Covid-19 Prevention

As the Delta variant is galloping through the US, the question comes up “are booster vaccines necessary for Covid-19 prevention”. The CDC ruled in the week of August 9, 2021 that immunocompromised people should receive a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The Gamma globulin
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