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What Will Happen after Omicron?

What Will Happen after Omicron?

Now that new cases of the pandemic are declining, the question is: what will happen after Omicron? The infection specialists do not have the answer. Some say that with more people vaccinated and people getting less severe symptoms the pandemic may come to an end. But others point out
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Alcohol Overlooked as Cancer Cause

Alcohol is Overlooked as Cancer Cause

The World Heart Federation announced that alcohol is overlooked as cancer cause. This is based on new research where alcohol industry sponsors of previous research were omitted. But the American Heart Association (AHA) finds this conclusion too one-sided. The AHA points out that there
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Booster Vaccines and What it Means to be Fully Vaccinated

Booster Vaccines and What it Means to be Fully Vaccinated

The US CDC recently commented about booster vaccines and what it means to be fully vaccinated. Notably, three large studies from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention became available and were reviewed by CNN. As an illustration, I am summarizing their findings below. It i
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